Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Rants and Raves of a "Crazy Old Man"

I have a friend, also named Kevin, who has been known to refer to me as such.
Huumm?  Maybe he's right.

OK. Now for something completely different!
Welcome to a slightly  re-tooled and re-focused "new" blog .
This is where I get to have some real fun. I get to say what I want about what I want and if you don't particularly care for  it, you may exit at any time.
I'm un-apologetically "Liberal" and  unafraid to admit it in today's "tea soaked" environment.
Somebody has to, we gotta get back to that “agree to disagree” moment, and somehow manage to coexist.
Now. If you are of a like mind, you'll probably read, maybe even enjoy some of my my diatribes.
If not, “prepare for the worst”, or click off of this blog immediately for it could be hazardous to your closely-held preconceptions.
So, do I just spew out an endless stream of pure liberal claptrap, or do I actually try and compose my thoughts and attempt to deal with a coherent subject or two?
I rather think the latter less I try the patience of even my "fellow travelers".
In my politically incorrect manner I will take on politics, religion, popular culture, idiots, aesthetics and the arts, maybe even the meaning of life, all to my varying abilities. Suggestions and comments will be welcome.

Soon to be released!!

I have my whole life been a self-proclaimed “student of the human condition”.
No matter my locale, I find I am absolutely fascinated by people, their “similar but different” take on our “common human experience”.
The following posts are my humble attempt to share some of my “observations” with you:

“He Keeps Himself To Himself”
“The Myth Of Self”

“What Church Do You Go To?”
“Critical Thinking And The Scientific Method”
“In Defense Of Pragmatism”
“Would You Like To Trade Places With Them?”
“An Accidental Life”

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